Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Каста - Закрытый космос / Kasta - zakritij kosmos


Vladi (Russian: Влади)
Shym (Шым)
Hamil (Хамиль) (since 1999)
Zmey (Змей) (since 2005)
Kasta (Russian: Каста, Russian for caste) is Russian rap band from Rostov-on-Don. Group is led by MC and beatmaker Vladi. Other members include MC's Shim, Hamil and Zmei, as well as DJ Hobot. Although Kasta is notably influenced by New York rap tradition, especially Wu-Tang Clan, they have always written in Russian.


Vladi, Shim and Hamil met rap music at a very young age. Vladi created his first song when he was just 13 years old. In 1995 he and his friend Tidan (Тидан) made a group Psycho-lyric (Russian: Психолирик). One year after that Shim connected to Psycho-lyric. In 1997 Psycho-lyric and other rappers from Rostov made a group with name Kasta, which was successor of Psycho-lyric. After that Tidan left the group. In 1999 Hamil connected to Kasta, then Kasta created a group Объединенная Каста (Ob'iedenionnaia Kasta) which means United Kasta, they did this because there were too many members in Kasta. Their first show was in Rostov's famous rap club Duncan and Comanchero.


  • Vladi (Влади) — Лешкевич Владислав Валерьевич (Leshkevich Vladislav Valer'ievich). Born 17 December 1978 in Rostov-on-Don.
  • Shim (Шым) — Епифанов Михаил Олегович (Epifanov Mikhail Olegovich. Born 25 January 1979 in Rostov-on-Don.
  • Hamil (Хамиль) — Пасечный Андрей Леонидович (Pacechnyi Andrei Leonidovich. Born 19 October 1979 in Rostov-on-Don.
  • Zmei (Змей) — Антон Мишенин (Anton Mishenin). Born 21 January 1982 in Rostov-on-Don. In 2005, he left group "Grani" after release volume "Kipesh" and connected to Kasta.

Members of "Объединенная Каста" (Ob'iedenionnaia Kasta / United Kasta)

Каста(Kasta / Caste)

  • Влади (Vladi)
  • Шым (Shim)
  • Хамиль (Hamil)
  • Змей (Zmey)

Западный Сектор (Zapadnyi Sektor / West Sector)

  • Кактус (Kaktus)
  • Дигер (Diger)
  • Майор (Maior)

Грани (Grani / Facets)

  • Тигра (Tigra)
  • Тёмный (Tiomnyi)

Бледнолицые Нигга'дяи (Bliednolitsyie Niggadiai / Pale-faced Rascals)

  • Панама (Panama)
  • Кальян (Kalian)
  • Ситар (Sitar)

Песочные Люди (Pesochnyie Liudi / Sand Men)

  • Джин (Jin)
  • Псих (Сайк) (Psikh - Saik)
  • Дас (Митяй) (Das - Mitiai)
  • Жара (Zhara)


Объединенная Каста (United Kasta)

  • В Полном Действии ("V Polnom Deistviee" / "In full force") /Видеосервис/ - 2000

Kasta (Albums)

  • Первый Удар ("Pervyi Udar" / "First strike") /Ростов-на-Дону/ - 1997
  • Трехмерные Рифмы ("Trekhmernye Rifmy" / "Three-Rhyme") /Ростов-на-Дону/ - 1999
  • Громче Воды, Выше Травы ("Gromche Vody, Vyshe Travy" / "Loudest Water, Above Herbs") /Respect Production/ - 2002
  • Трехмерные Рифмы. Переиздание ("Trekhmernye Rifmy. Pereizdanie" / "Three-Rhyme. Refill") /Respect Production/ - 2003
  • Быль В Глаза ("Byl' V Glaza" / "True story in the eyes") /Respect Production/ - 2008
  • Быль В Глаза ("Byl' V Glaza. Pereizdanie" / "True story in the eyes. Refill") /Respect Production/ - 2009


  • Влади (Vladi) - Что Нам Делать В Греции? (Chto Nam Delat' V Greciee?" / "What do we do in Greece?") /Respect Production/ - 2002
  • Хамиль (Hamil) - Феникс ("Phenix" / "Phoenix") /Respect Production/ - 2004
  • Хамиль и Змей (Hamil & Zmey) - ХЗ ("HZ") /Respect Production/ - 2010


  • На Порядок Выше ("Na Poryadok Vyshe" / "Order of magnitude higher") (Single) /Respect Production/ - 2001
  • Горячее Время ("Goryachee Vremya" / "Hectic time") (Single) /Respect Production/ - 2002
  • По-Приколу ("Po-Prikolu" / "In-jokes") (Maxi-Single) /Respect Production/ - 2006

Music videos

  • Мы Берём Это На Улицах ("Mi Berem Eto Na Ulitsakh" / "We got it from the streets") (2000)
  • На Порядок Выше ("Na Poryadok Vyshe" / "On a higher level") (2001)
  • Про Макса ("Pro Maxa" / "About Max") (2002)
  • Горячее Время ("Goryachee Vremya" / "Hectic time") (OST Антикиллер (Antikiller)) (2002)
  • Ревность ("Revnost'" / "Jealousy") (Влади/Vladi) (2003)
  • Наши Люди ("Nashi Lyudi" / "Our People") (Live at "Наши Люди '03") (2003)
  • Сестра ("Sestra" / "Sister") (2005)
  • Черви Ненависти ("Chervi Nenavisti" / "Hearts of Hate") (feat. Песочные Люди (Sand Men)) (2005)
  • Капсулы Скорости ("Kapsuly Skorosti" / "Capsules rates") (2006)
  • Глупо, Но Класс ("Glupo, No Class" / "Stupid, But Cool") (feat. Gustavo) (2007)
  • Встреча ("Vstrecha" / "Meeting") (2008)
  • Радиосигналы ("Radiosignaly" / "Radio signals") (2008)
  • Вокруг Шум ("Vokrug Shum" / "Noise around us") (2009)
  • Номерок ("Nomerok" / "Check") (feat. Крестная Семья (Godmother Family)) (2009)
  • Можно Всё ("Mozhno Vsyo" / "Everything's allowed") (Vladi feat. Animal Jazz) (2009)
  • Встретимся У Холодильника ("Vstretimsya U Holodil'nika" / "Meet at the Refrigerator") (DJ Hobot, Hamil, Iskra) (2009)
  • Закрытый Космос ("Zakrytyi Kosmos" / "Private Space") (Hamil) (2010)
  • Метла ("Metla" / "Broom") (Hamil & Zmey) (2010)
  • Это Прёт ("Eto Pryot" / "It shakes") (Hamil & Zmey) (2010)


  • Grand Prix "Rap Music 99"
  • Russian Music Awards 2004 MTV - Best hip-hop, rap project.
  • Muz-TV Awards 2006 - Best hip-hop, rap project.
  • RAMP 2009 - Urbana.
  • Russian Street Awards 2010 - Best Acoustic ("Vokrug Shum" / "Around Noise")

Interesting facts

  • There are more than 20 people in Объединенная Каста(United Kasta)
  • Initially, the band they called Fu-Blood-Kasta, which is essentially a "rubber stamp" with the name of hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan, but in connection with the harmonies of English «Fu-Blood» from the Russian "Фу, Бл*дь" ("Fie, hooker"), was decided to name just a group Kasta
  • 2 tracks the group, namely the "Duplicator" and "Hot Time" became the soundtrack for "Antikiller".
  • Track "Capsules speed" became the soundtrack to the game "Lada Racing Club".
  • For Michael "Shym" Epifanov entrenched pseudonym Valery Shymanovsky who invented a journalist, based on photos or alias actor.

Таня - Радио Гагага / Radio GaGaGa

Singer Tanya (Tereshina) was born May 3, 1979 in Budapest (Hungary). Her father was military, he served in many areas of Russia and Ukraine and Poland, and little Tanya childhood spent traveling. This left a significant imprint on its multi-faceted personality. As a child Tanya loved everything that was associated with creativity and art, practiced in the art, music and ballet schools, as well as acted in the children's ensemble as a soloist.

When she was 13 years old, the family finally established itself in Smolensk. There Tanya graduated from the school, then - Faculty of Painting Smolensky Institute of Arts. And after that went to conquer Moscow.

A beautiful charismatic young girl immediately noticed and hired a modeling agency 'Modus Vivendis', and then in the agencies 'Point' and 'Fashion'. As a model Tanya has participated in fashion shows and photo shoot around the world. Career model of its fully staged, but Tanya once accidentally casting the group Hi-Fi. She did not connect with him no hope, but when she learned that passed, scared she would not be ready to participate in this popular, actively touring team. Doubts plagued Tania to the exit on the scene.

. Her first performance in the Hi-Fi was held on February 13, 2003, and over the next two years, Tanya, along with Mitya Fomin and Timothy Pronkin toured dozens of cities in Russia and acted in more than five hundred concerts
. It was not only a tremendous experience touring life, but also has become a determinant for Tanya in the choice of profession - she realized that without the scenes exist no longer.

His work in the group Tanya remembers with great pleasure. 'Mitya - my best friend, I just adore it, - says the singer. - We are cooperating well on stage and in life. I think our friendship over time may again lead to some creative cooperation '.

Of course, in the group and had nothing to think about some own implementation, and, when Tanya came proposals for a solo career, she decided to leave the Hi-Fi. 'There was some scandal connected with my departure, - said Tanya - but I'm glad that everything happened so. This gave me a great incentive for further development '.

Here's how she remembers the care of the group: "Nobody was going to leave the team. Just at some point the producer has ceased to follow the group. We are almost all solved themselves, to the point where you can relax. And once carved out in the schedule-free for three days and went to the sea. We called the producer, but he did not lift up. As a result, they put me with the fact that fired after the ceremony Muz-TV Award for gross misconduct.

I was shocked: why me? It went to all three! But then realized that the producer wanted to punish my dismissal and all other. They say all will survive! Naturally, I said that I will not work until Muz-TV Awards. And what a breach of discipline? I generally had to work in kicks, because the guys are very good. They strongly supported me, but object could not. You know, Timothy's family, he had to contain it, Mitya any problems. Of course, they talked with producer Eric Chenturiey. But he has a strange way of solving problems - if it is something not like it, he probably will not work with someone and talk.

. In the group of my work was not even in the works, and in the presence of me as a pretty object on the background of the children
. Even I was not allowed to sing! I opened my mouth to someone else's plywood. Commonplace sounds of "A-ah-ah-oh-oh-oh" recorded the wife of our composer.

I always sang with the included microphone at concerts, and I have the feeling that I'm singing. But on radio, I myself have not heard. Once tried to ask why I do not give to sing? And I passed through the director: "We are all still think about you, what to do". They say, "would have sat in silence, you do not very photogenic cheeks!"

With the departure of the group come to grips with Tanya solo career. In 2007, she recorded the first 7 songs for their debut album, and almost immediately began performing in clubs and national teams concerts.

Besides music and dancing, Tanya was constantly engaged in the development of costumes for concerts and clips - the principal amount Tannins dresses for work and life sewn for her sketches. 'Clothes - this is my passion, but apart from the usual women's interest in me, then there is more professional - I'm an artist by training, draw for me - great relaxation and pleasure. Make a dress for myself, I started back in 13 years, and now I have been able to create a truly sophisticated creative outfits'.

. In the spring of 2007 on radio and TV released their first single-Thani - dance track 'will be hot', the main rotation of which had been in Russian radio and DFM
. Clip shown on MTV, Ruthven and Music Box, but on the video site clip continues weekly watching over 1000 people.

. The real breakthrough was the second single-Thani - poignant song is an allegory of 'Fragments of feelings', written by major contemporary underground star Ivan Alexeev (better known as Noize MC)
. Exclusive premiere of one of the major hits of 2008 took place on the waves 'Europe Plus' Feb. 9. The song lasted on the air all the major radio stations more than six months. 'To me, this sign is the song on the album, although it is now and not the most beloved', - says Tanya.

. The success of this track the fall of 2008 picked up single 'dot the i', develops the theme of the tragic and difficult parting is still loving each other people
. The video for this song, filmed Estonian director Inderkom Maasik started in music channels broadcast in December 2008.

Total in album by singer-Thani, whose output is planned for 2009, will include 12 songs, written by authors from America, Russia, Turkey and Sweden. Tanya lot of experimenting, trying to find your own style and manner of filing a new, very difficult musical material. Finalize these findings Tanya helped by experienced British sound producer, . among them Brian Rolling, . makes sound Craig David and Celine Dion, . as well as the team 365 Artists, . which includes Richard 'Biff' Stannard, . written among other things In My Arms (Kylie), . all the hits? 1 group Spice Girls, . and even Elevation (U2),
. Record all tracks performed at the studio Metrophonic in London, where Tanya over the last year has visited 4 times.

. Summer 2009 Tanja Tereshina and Zhanna Friske joined musical forces of sexual and erotic clip was removed to his duet song "Western".

. Jeanne and Tanya have long been friends, so the management Thani came to record a duet with the idea of two sexy brunettes country and deprive Russia of men speechless
. Jeanne enthusiastically accepted the offer of friends. She liked the song and the concept of the video. "We need to do something super-non-standard, I'll be very pleased to participate in this!" - She said.

For Tanya, it was the first duet works, but she was delighted with the cooperation c Joan. "We Jeanne, look great, and they look like outside, we even sometimes confused at the party! Working together was very interesting."

. Directed video was Hindrek Maasik (this is his fourth with Tanya Tereshin, and for Janna Friske he did duet clip from "Disco accident" - "Malinki")
. The shooting took place in Tallinn. As the director's idea, the two singers appear before the camera in the legendary style of the most sought after Hollywood nymphets - girls pin-up. Luxury red lips seductress in the frame fluffy chestnut curls will leave no one indifferent.

. Singer, inspired by the styling of the American pin-up, spent two days in the open air, taking a dynamic and sex video story
. Jeanne and Tanya, in a joint video appear in vivid images of Hollywood. Video sequence is replete with glamorous fashion images of 60-ies and make-APOM a la Sophia Loren. Singer changed outfits from Versace, Jon Galliano, Moschino and glibly show off in high heels from Santoni.

A special highlight of steel frames, where Tanya appears completely naked in a frank stage with a guitar. "The guitar, in my opinion, the sexiest musical instrument - explains Tanya. - On the one hand, it resembles the curves of the female body, on the other hand, in the hands of men - the most romantic guitar that can be! My body shape resembles a guitar, is a metaphor in the clip, a woman's body as a musical instrument. "
. In addition to release a new video in the coming months, Tanya is planning to play in a movie and release a clothing line
. With the latter, however, the singer does not want to hurry: "We all just do nothing but produce his clothing line, but in order to make the 'hits' collection, you need to really dive into it, and for a long time. There should be a special inspiration, and now I do not want to pulverize anything except music ', - says the singer.

. Life

. Tanya Tereshina Andrei Gubin was a girl in the clip and noticed that her Soloists of Hi-Fi, but soon the relationship ended with the singer and her long time no one has met with his head sunk in a new job.

. When Tanya met Arseny, she was already held an actress and one of the main conditions of serious love relationship considered freedom of action in terms of career
. Arseny its all supported and soon the pair had struck up a novel.

After Tanya scandal left Hi-Fi, the lovers decide to go abroad so that she could come to himself and a friend traveled all over Europe.

Here's how it is being remembered the singer herself: "It's amazing the quality of the man when he can allow his girlfriend to be an actress. Because all men - the terrible owners, arrange hysteria on this subject. And my young man, another. Though he and a businessman, but understands me. "

However, relations with cloudless Arsenije recently still have exhausted themselves and the couple broke.