Thursday, September 30, 2010

DAVID - Menja ne dogonish / Меня не догонишь

So we go on, I present you a new singer from Russia, David with his new song, "you will not catch me"

As it is known, the love to music arises in the childhood. While David's contemporaries drove on a court yard, playing football, he with enthusiasm studied musical notation and learnt to strike the first chords.
From David's early age creative atmosphere surrounded: the father was engaged in archeology and history, the grandfather was the popular singer and the head of the state chorus. Not surprisingly, as it wanted to him to express somehow itself in creativity. Since five years he practised music, in singing studied at the grandfather, and game on musical instruments mastered independently. To receive special music education it was not required – David and so all seized hurriedly. Besides the academic singing and game often do the executor "callous", and it would like to keep the individuality and sincerity of execution.
In the childhood David sang in the state chorus of boys of "Martve" where with success executed as church church chanting, so magnificent Georgian polyphony. At teenage age it was carried away by the most different directions from fate and a jazz to a rap and hip-hop. He listened to foreign executors and imitated them, in parallel searching for the style, independently assorted notes and parties of separate tools. David is assured that any musical school would not give it such wide experience which it has received by own practice.
Seeing, as with enthusiasm the grandson practises music, David's grandfather who was not only the singer, but also the sportsman, has insisted, that that was engaged in boxing and swimming to counterbalance «physics and the lyric poet». In parallel David took a keen interest to history (his father – the chief of archaeological expeditions and the professor of historical sciences, – periodically took the son with itself on excavation). As a result he has decided to arrive on historical faculty to become the archeologist. But also about the hobby for a minute did not forget. At university among its classmates there was a talented guitarist together with whom they have created own group «Sky end». And though all its participants were self-educated persons, they enjoyed wide popularity and time and again won at various musical festivals. Youth, spirit and talent, in addition, have made the business – the group has successfully existed five years while its participants have not finished study and did not begin to search for new roads to lives.
For David this road has turned back a writing of own songs. That once began with a hobby, songs for itself and close people, has outgrown in something большее. It acted on various concert platforms, including in a complex "Olympic". Its first solo album «To me Now is published it is a pity».
Someone can tell what to let out the first album after thirty years rather late, but David is assured that all occurs just in time. He fairly believes that at its age already is, about what to tell to people, and it is ready to be responsible for each word. Behind his shoulders life experience: errors and disappointments, pleasures and victories, and he – the high-grade generated person with the belief. For the modern musical industry with the 16-year-old "untwisted" executors it is a rarity.
The album exit «became a pity To me» in many respects possible thanks to support of the person close to the singer which is assured that other people should hear David's creativity. Each note, each letter in this album, are written with all the heart and lived by the author. David aspires to give the feelings and emotions in songs, tells about how the woman in life of the man much can mean and on what feats it can inspire him. But, unfortunately, this woman remains inaccessible and inaccessible, therefore the album and is called «To me it is a pity». He calls for that two loving people were afraid to lose each other.
David underlines that does not pursue the aim immediately to become famous all over the country and actively to participate in show business, to it it is more important, that its songs have found the listener, the one to whom its world and its sincerity is close. The hobby can always outgrow in a trade, but David does not aspire to throw producers the singles or to pester the writing down companies. Another matter that its talent has been all the same noticed and estimated.
Now in its plans to remove a clip on the song, to make a solo concert, to let out the second album and, of course, to continue performances.

Have fun and enjoy
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